You have 14 days from receipt of your order to make a return request. Return is your right and will be accepted if you follow the steps below.
It is NOT possible to make an exchange for a different product.
You can only make one return request per order.
We will only pay the shipping costs related to sending the return if the return is made according to the procedures below.
Returns returned by procedure or couriers other than those specified by us will not be accepted.
Defective products and non-conforming products
FST Fabbrica Sughi Toscana will verify the defects complained of by the customer, which, if found, will entitle the customer to a replacement of the product or products, after notification to the customer’s e-mail address.
FST Fabbrica Sughi Toscana will replace the defective product or products at its own expense and bear the cost of the return. In the event that the products initially requested by the customer are out of stock, FST Fabbrica Sughi Toscana will refund the amount paid by the User, as soon as possible after receipt of the authorization notice from FST Fabbrica Sughi Toscana
Should the User receive from the courier a package damaged or stained by the spillage of product from any damaged jars, FST Fabbrica Sughi Toscana invites the customer to reject the shipment. In such a case, FST Fabbrica Sughi Toscana will handle the return of the shipment.